Money Mistress

Advice line for FinDommes

Unique to FinDom is the advice line for FinDommes that I have created here.

I regularly receive messages from ladies who would like to become FinDomme and work for me. As I prefer to work alone, this is unfortunately not an option.

However, these posts did give me the idea to start an advice line for FinDommes. Through this chat, you can ask me as a FinDomme (novice or otherwise) anything you want to know about this profession.

Indeed, becoming a successful FinDomme and doing this work well involves a lot of things both on a business and psychological level.

No problem because if I can do it, so can you. It's just important that you know how and where to start, what it's better to do or not do, and what to look out for. 

Business advice for Dommes

If you have questions about your registration with the Chamber of Commerce, the tax authorities, your payment account, payment methods or if you are having trouble creating a website, texts for your socials or other things that can contribute to your success as a Mistress, you can contact me for this.

Personal advice for Dommes

If, on the other hand, you struggle more with personal issues such as choosing a suitable name, remaining anonymous (online) for those around you, choices regarding your offer or find it difficult to deal with certain subs or slaves, you have also come to the right place.

Advice line for Dommes

How and where do you find paypigs, how do you avoid being scammed, how do you attract paypigs and, conversely, how do they scare you away? All important to know as a brand-new Domme. Whatever question you have, I'm happy to help.

If you are interested in chatting with me, please >HERE request a chat consultation.


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