Money Mistress

Money slave wanted

'Money slave wanted'. I regularly see ads with this telling text passing by on various (sex-related) websites.

Still, I don't believe in finding my ultimate cashqueen by myself. I firmly believe that an intelligent, resourceful and driven money slave will be able to find his perfect Cashqueen by himself.

And eventually comes (home) here on this page.

Real, serious paypigs, cashcows, human wallets and other willing, give-grabbers look beyond their nose and certainly don't settle for the first lady who calls herself Money Mistress, but has no clue about the (not infrequently complex) psychological dimension behind FinDom. Indeed, FinDom involves a bit more than just uttering some tough talk and verbally demeaning paypiggies.

Despite being strict and also not always fair (I love mindgames én- fucks!), I am absolutely responsible and will at all times pay attention to what turns my submissive servants on or off.

This is also the reason that before I engage with anyone, I always a questionnaire through with him. One money slave is not the other. All money slaves are all individuals with different backgrounds, mindsets, emotions, kinks and fetishes that all need a different approach.

Where one slave wants to be treated like old dirt, the other wants to be told he is good. Where one pig wishes rock-hard humiliation because of his little worm, the other, on the contrary, sees it experienced as a gross insult.

So many varieties, so many flavours.

With me, you are vulnerable when you can, but safe when you have to.

Money slave wanted

So I consider it likely that my ultimate money slave (through his own intensive search for his perfect Money Mistress) will be myself will find.

That he comes to offer himself to me on a silver platter.

As it should be.

I also believe in agreements (even if they are so extreme in certain cases) and think it is important for both parties to recognise that everything covered by our contact is entirely voluntary. Even undergoing the coercion I will occasionally put on you.

For this reason, I have a FinDom contract drafted that every money slave is required to sign.

When there is (desired) blackmail, oppression and other things that go 'over the edge', it is nice to know what to expect from each other and that nothing happens that is not allowed by law.

Of course, this does not alter the fact that I will not hesitate to tackle you vigorously if I deem it necessary.

If you would like to be eligible to call yourself my happy perverted paypig, please make a tribute over and take appropriately contact me at:


WhatsApp: 0625223381