Money Mistress

Do's & Don'ts

Miss One in a Million Do's:

Tribute/donations via 'tribute' or 'donations' in the menu.

Donations via my Wishlist page.

Manual bank transfer.

Payment via Loyal Fans.


Online communication.

Discussing fetishes and kinks.


Cam (on rare occasions and only for regular slaves).


Explanatory do's

All donations in the form of cash (transfers) are welcome. These do not cost me any effort to receive, but do contribute to my financial prosperity. Fine then.

I am a strict, yet open-minded Domme so via chat everything is negotiable. After you pay your tribute, you have permission to talk about anything, ask me anything.

Through video calling, a lot is possible regarding your fetishes or kinks. However, I am the one who remains clothed during the call and does not perform any pornographic acts.

Every sub or slave has different wishes and needs for a different approach, I will take this into account at all times. Nevertheless, I always remain in charge.


Miss One in a Million Don'ts




Gift vouchers.

Personal meeting.

Physical sexual contact.


Explanatory don'ts

As a Money Goddess, I obviously don't walk down the street with an envelope of cash and gift cards don't make me happy either. What good are BOL cards if I want money for tattoos, nails and the hairdresser? My fetish is money. Your money! If you can't pay me in euros, then you are NOT my slave.

Providing your Cashqueen with the necessary material resources is nowadays perfectly possible digitally, as is communication.

Meeting me in person is a privilege not available to my subs or slaves, let alone any kind of physical sexual contact. So don't assume that you are among the exception to this rule.


More info on the services I offer >KLIK.