Money Mistress

Starting with FinDom

I regularly receive messages from young girls who want to start FinDom. Partly for this reason, I started blogging so that anyone interested can find this information online.

Mind you, if you want to start with FinDom to get rich quick, I can help you right out of the dream at this point.

Indeed, promoting yourself is invaluable. Not only does this take seas of time, it is also important that you distinguish yourself from the other thousands of FinDommes on TikTok, X and other platforms. So originality and creativity is an absolute must.

If you are willing to put your time and energy into this and also have a good amount of patience, it is definitely worth developing yourself as a FinDomme and you can now read on about what all you need to do to earn your money this way.

Earning yes, even as a FinDomme, you don't just get everything for nothing. Although real FinDom takes place mostly online, many FinDommes combine financial dominance with FemDom as well.

This is how you become FinDomme

Before you start, delve into the kink "FinDom". Understand what exactly is exciting for paypigs so you can respond in the right way. Just calling every sub 'loser' is really too easy. You won't make it with this alone.

1.Think of a form of address that suits you. Think Goddess, Princess, Miss, Mistress, Queen, Mami, Mommy, or if you are a more rugged type: Daddy, Master, King, Lord, Papi, Alpha, Vampire, etc. Anything is possible.

2. Then you come up with a name to attach to it et voilá, your alter ego is a reality.

3. Speaking of alter ego, consider what type of Domme you want to be. Do you want to present yourself as classy, bitchy, slutty, hard, soft, etc? It is important to establish this right at the beginning of your FinDom career, so that you know how to present yourself. Having your own image is important.

4. Decide whether you want to show much or little of yourself. Do you want to work dressed up, do you have no objection to lingerie, do you like going topless or do you want to go even further than that? In doing so, decide your limit for yourself immediately and don't go over it.

5. Decide whether you want to work only online or also do RL (Real Life) sessions. If you are into face-to-face meetings, arrange a location where you can receive your subs safely (!). If you visit them on location yourself, always tell someone your location and ensure security at all times.

6. Set your own rules and boundaries from the start. What do you want to talk about or not, are you up for blackmail or not, which of your products do you want to sell or not. Be clear and honest with yourself in this and stick to your views.

7. Determine what your tribute Is to be allowed to talk to you.

8. Determine your communication preferences, purchase a (prepaid) business phone number, arrange a separate e-mail account, etc.

9. Decide which payment methods (gift vouchers, cashmeets, cashdrops, bank transfer, etc.) you want to use and create new accounts for these, if necessary. (Warning: no PayPal! As soon as they realise you are doing sex work there, your account will be blocked and you will lose your money).

10. Create accounts on the social media platforms you like and promote yourself. Develop your own brand (that's you). Make sure you come across as confident and don't let yourself be tested by freeloaders and timewasters . 

11. Get your age verified on an adult platform like, for example, Only Fans, Fancentro, Loyal Fans, etc. Even if you do not plan to post content there, age verification is very important to be taken seriously on social media as a FinDomme. After verification, put a link in your bio to your adult account and you're done. It can cost you unnecessary followers (and pigs!) if you don't do it.

12. Be patient and don't get downhearted if you haven't earned anything after a fortnight. Some FinDommes get lucky and get paid after just a week, others only after a month or two months.

Starting with FinDom

So basically, you could start FinDom today if you wanted to. As long as it feels right for you, earning your money as a FinDomme is fine. However, if you need to preserve your anonymity for certain reasons, it will be a bit more difficult for you to attract pigs.

While some paypigs might find the mystery exciting, it is often the very face and look of a FinDomme that wins over a pig to want to serve her.

If you plan to get serious about this, click >HERE for advice on, for example, your registration at the Chamber of Commerce, tax and other business matters. You can also order ready-made FinDom blackmail, debt contracts and questionnaires here.


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